ACHILLES data downloads
This section is under development. We will soon have more content here.

Data-centric Engineering
Svalova, A. (2021). Data for emulating computer experiments of infrastructure slope stability using Gaussian processes and Bayesian inference. DOI:
The above doi links to the repository containing the data used in the publication: Svalova, A., Helm, P., Prangle, D., Rouainia, M., Glendinning, S., and Wilkinson, D.J. (2021). Emulating computer experiments of transport infrastructure slope stability using Gaussian processes and Bayesian inference. Data-Centric Engineering, Volume 2, E12, DOI:
Svalova, A., 2021. Code for emulating computer experiments of infrastructure slope stability using Gaussian processes and Bayesian inference. DOI:
The above doi links to the repository containing the emulator code used in the publication: Svalova, A., Helm, P., Prangle, D., Rouainia, M., Glendinning, S., and Wilkinson, D.J. (2021). Emulating computer experiments of transport infrastructure slope stability using Gaussian processes and Bayesian inference. Data-Centric Engineering, Volume 2, E12, DOI:
Proceedings of the ICE – Geotechnical Engineering
Helm, P., Postill, H., Dixon, N., El-Hamalawi, A., Glendinning, S., Take, A. (2021). Dataset: Strength parameter selection framework for evaluating the design life of clay cut slopes..
The above doi links to the repository containing the dataset used to produce the figures in the related publication (Postill, H; Helm, PR; Dixon, N; El-Hamalawi, A; Glendinning, S & Take, WA (2021). Strength parameter selection framework for evaluating the design life of clay cut slopes. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers – Geotechnical Engineering. DOI: 10.1680/jgeen.21.00125) and consists of material strain softening data, assumed in-situ initial stress profiles, modelled time series of slope surface displacements, derived values for inverse velocity of the modelled slopes, residual factor change with time, the failure geometry and time to failure along with data on design life for differing slope geometries.
Géotechnique letters
Yu, Z., Stirling, R., Davie, C., Eminue, O.O. (2021) BIONICS Cracking Data. DOI:
This is the dataset presented in the publication: Yu Z, Eminue O.O, Stirling R, Davie C, Glendinning S. Desiccation cracking at field scale on a vegetated infrastructure embankment. Géotechnique Letters 2021, 11(1), 1-21. The linked record contains hydrological/meteorological data and crack geometry measurements collected at the BIONICS Embankment Research Facility, Newcastle University. The data is used to produce the plots in the above publication.